
Upgradeable companions!

Zoogz Overview

Zoogz are the second NFT collection to enter the Zungle, and the first dynamic NFT to enter the ecosystem. This collection appeared nowhere on the team's initial roadmap, yet it's launch fell right in the middle of it offering a whole host of new development. A surprise shipment of Cratez came to the world, each one opened to mint a Zoog with a corresponding token ID.

Like Monkeez, these characters have unique traits broken up into several (7) categories, but they differ in that these NFTs have dynamic metadata. Zoogz have unique stats that are leveled when fed to fight one another.

Obtaining Zoogz

Obtain a Zoog either through mint via opening a crate or purchase on an external marketplace. As there are many marketplaces on AVAX, all official links are listed in the marketplaces section of our documentation. Always double check the contract address to confirm the collection is correct.

Zoogz Functionality

Although they don't natively earn $MNKZ, Zoogz can fight other Zoogz in our PVP battling system in order to gain additional tokens. Feed your Zoog various items in order to grow its base stats to be the strongest in the Zungle.

Check our Terms of Service for what you can and can't do with your IP that comes with the holding of your character.

Last updated