
It's a measuring contest

Zoog Stats

Zoogz have 4 total stats:

  • Aggression ⚔️

  • Toughness 🛡️

  • Smarts 🧠

  • Vitality ❤️

Each of these 4 stats start between 1-5 calculated on mint using weighted RNG (making 1s more common than 5s) in combination with Chainlink VRF. These stats can be further upgraded by feeding Zoogz certain items that level that specific stat category. Each item has an associated XP amount added to the stat's total XP when fed.

The maximum level for any Zoog stat is 99

In addition to stat levels, Zoogz also have a total level, which is the sum of their aggression, toughness, smarts, and vitality. Each of these stats has a maximum level of 99 meaning that the maximum total level for any Zoog is 396.


In addition to it's base stats, all Zoogz have a maximum of 10 energy points they can use in a 24 hour period. Different tasks and functions will cost different energy points, so choose your focus wisely as the ecosystem grows. See below for a list of all functions a Zoog can use.

TaskRequired Energy Points



Last updated